Sunday, 14 September 2014

Reverse Cowgirl Sex Positions: The Reverse Cowgirl

Sex Tips: Reverse Cowgirl

“The Reverse Cowgirl.” You know, with her on top, twisted around and facing away from you while her ass is in your face. In a porn, this position works because it maximizes every view. You want it because you think it’s going to create a deep penetration and you get that great view. She’s on display and he is guiding the hip movements. In real life? In real life? 

I can’t speak for every woman, but The Reverse Cowgirl is not a position most of us crave for a few reasons. Firstly, it can be really hard to climax in this position. Jena Landa, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMDand author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women says, “Reverse Cowgirl may seem sexy and adventurous, but when you actually try to enter her, things might not fit the way you think they should.” Let’s be realistic here: your dick has a slight, natural curve. In this position, if your penis has any sort of curvature (congrats to those with illogically straight dicks) it is fighting the angle in her vagina in this position. I have tried this position over and over, with many different partners, and it’s a hard one to get a solid groove with, but once that groove is struck it can be pretty great for a few pumps. However, unlike other sex positions, The Reverse Cowgirl isn’t exactly a comfortable or flattering one to “work at it” with and this leads me to the next issue: confidence. 

My rule of thumb is this: if a chick is down with you eating her asshole, then she probably has no problem being in this position. A lot of women feel very body conscious when being on top, let alone being on top with their ass in your face. I wish I could crawl into the minds of every woman and delete all this ridiculous body shame we have lingering from our teenage years, but I can’t. So, if your girl is down with ass play of any kind, I’m sure she feels secure enough to hop on top, turn around and make The Reverse Cowgirl work. For those who aren’t, here’s an alternative position which produces a stimulation you would expect to get from Reverse Cowgirl, but leaves her in a less exposed pose: 

The Spork
Have her lay on her back and raise her leg, then slot yourself between her legs at a 90-degree angle. This position allow for maximum penetration and leaves room for you to stimulate her (or she can stimulate herself). She’s on her back, so she won’t feel as exposed, yet you are both face to face for ultimate intimacy. 

The Reverse Cowgirl is not an easy position to conquer and it isn’t as great as it’s chalked up to be. If it isn’t working after a few tries, move along. There’s plenty of inventive ways to screw that don’t make you and your woman feel like two awkward teenagers.

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